Express missing from the top 10 English dailies list

The Times of India, The Hindustan Times and The Hindu expectedly are the top three English dailies by readership, according to the Indian Readership Survey 2013.

Two tabloids – Mumbai Mirror and Mid-day – and a business newspaper – The Economic Times – figure in the list. The name that is missing is the Express. Both Indian Express and The New Indian Express have not made to the top ten list. This should be a cause of concern for its editors as well as its readers – who, for generations have grown up with the Express brand of journalism.

List of Top Ten English dailies as per Indian Readership Survey 2013
English dailies

About Sunil Saxena 334 Articles
Sunil Saxena is an award winning media professional with over four decades of experience in New Media, Social Media, Mobile Journalism, Print Journalism, Media Education and Research.

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