Elements of a newspaper

newspaper# Anchor: A soft story used at the base of Page One. The headline of such a story is different to the headlines used for hard news stories. It will be more creative and eye-catching.

# Banner: Banner is a headline that runs across all eight columns on the top of the page. It is used for momentous events, and is set in big and bold letters. The banner is also called a streamer

# Box: A news report that is surrounded by a printed rule. The box is used to display those stories that are important or unusual.

# Byline: The name of the reporter who wrote the story. In the case of agencies, the name of the news agency is used as byline.

# Caption: The text used to describe a photograph. It is known as cutline in the US.

# Classifieds: The advertisements run in small type. These are ads placed by individuals or small traders, who pay according to the number of words used.

# Column: A weekly or fortnightly article written by a seasoned commentator, who is either a journalist or a specialist.

There is one more definition of column. As you know, each newspaper page is divided into six to eight vertical rows. These rows, which are used to display content, are called columns.

# Dateline: It comprises of two elements: the name of the city from where a story originated and the date on which it was written.

# Deck: Deck is the term used to describe each line in a newspaper headline.

# Editorial: Editorial is the article that represents the newspaper’s opinion. It is also called the Leader.

# Filler: Filler is a short item that is used to fill up space on a newspaper page.

# Folio: Folio is the line of text placed on top of inside pages giving the page number, day and date of publication.

Headline: Headline is the title of a news report run in display type to catch the attention of the readers. A headline summarises the most important point in a news report.

# Infographic: An infographic is an art form where words are used with charts, illustrations, graphs or photographs to tell a news story.

# Jump: Jump is the part of the story that is continued from the front page to an inside page of a newspaper.

# Jump line: The jump line is used to inform the reader of the page and column number where he can find the rest of the story.

# Kicker: Kicker is the headline that is written on top of the main headline. It is set in a point size that is less than the point size used to set the main headline. In several newspapers the Kicker is called Shoulder.

# Lead: Lead is the first paragraph of a news report

# Masthead: Masthead is the forehead of the newspaper where the title of the newspaper is published. It also gives the place of publication, publication date etc.

# Sidebar: Sidebar is a short story related to the main story and run adjacent to it.

# Strapline: Strapline is a headline written beneath the main headline. It is written in a point size that is smaller than the point size used to write the main headline, and is generally used to highlight a new point. It can also be used to amplify the main headline. In some newspapers, Strap-line is also referred to as Reverse Shoulder.

# Subhead: Subhead is one or two word headline inserted at the head of a paragraph to break the monotony of a solid column of type. Sub-heads are generally written in bold letters in the same point size as the body text.

# Teaser: Teaser is a front-page box placed over or below the newspaper masthead. It lists the important stories run on inside pages. or boxes announcing a paper’s inside contents.

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About Sunil Saxena 333 Articles
Sunil Saxena is an award winning media professional with over four decades of experience in New Media, Social Media, Mobile Journalism, Print Journalism, Media Education and Research.


  1. Sir i am a bjmc student of Indraprastha University (first yr)
    Pls guide me how can i get Internship in some media firms like HT, TOI,etc.
    I am tired of sending mails!

    • Ideally, your institute should organise the internship. If you are sending mails directly then you need to send mails to the HR. If you are in Delhi, then you should try to meet the HR person handling internships. This is not easy. You will have to visit the media house, and try your luck.
      Wishing you all the best,

  2. Sir, kindly ahre definitions of following :
    Fudge column, Roving Correspondent, Stringer, Kill, Future, Play-up, Play-down, Editoriol note, Banner headingline..
    I will be grateful to you.

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