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4 easy ways to milk your old blog posts

old blog postsEvery blog post is a labour of love. You spend hours on every blog post. Then, you wait for traffic to come. It may, it may not. Next day, you move on to another blog post. Your old post is forgotten.

But does it mean that it has become irrelevant? Some blog posts are overtaken by time. They lose their relevance. But there are many that are timeless. They need not be forgotten but shown again to new readers.

The question is: How do you resurrect your old blog posts?

Here are four tips to save your old blog posts from slowly withering away:

# Tip 1
Link your old posts to new ones
: The best way to draw a reader’s attention to your old post is to hyperlink it to your current post. You can do this in two ways. One, you can list the old post in the Related Posts section at the end of your current post. Two, you can weave the hyperlink in your text. This will catch the reader’s eye even more, and he may click on the hyperlink to open your old post.

# Tip 2
Broadcast old posts on Social Media
: Every day you can tweet an old post on Twitter or publish it on your Facebook or Linkedin Page. There are two advantages in such a strategy. One, your new followers get to see an old post, and they may want to read it. Two, they may share the post with their followers. The post will get a new life of its own.

# Tip 3
Republish your best posts
: Locate the posts that drew the best traffic, and publish them again. You must allow a significant amount to time to elapse before doing so. This way your old readers will not feel cheated. In all probability they may have forgotten about the post. You may touch up the post here and there to make it more relevant, and current. It’s a good ethical practice to put a pointer at the end of the report stating that the blog post was first published a year ago or two years ago.

# Tip 4
Turn popular blog posts into an Ebook
: You did the hard work when you first wrote the blog post. You now need to locate all the related blog posts, and string them as an Ebook. There may be changes that you may need to make to remove repetitions or to delete content that has become outdated. But it is well worth the effort. You save your old blog posts, and create a new product. You have the option to offer the Ebook free on your site or price it.

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